Friday, March 20, 2009

lol. almost a day without posts :D i can't let that happen. so just something to "salvage" it.
random stuff that probably no one will ever get.

first of all. the typing speed test thingy on facebook is so freaking hard. it's so unnatural to press spacebar/enter. cause the sentences they give you doesn't make sense at all -_- or my normal typing style is just kinda weird.

now for videos. [quotes]

one person's youtube user = transformersmatrix [real name: sean long]
one video:
"oh yes, transformersmatrix, what are ya, a transformer or the matrix? make up your mind buddy!"
"i guess the only thing you can't transform into is somebody who can actually make a good video."
"your videos are so bad, that i decided not to shave this week"
*looks to the sky and shows beard [chin (can see his throat)] and points at it* - "this is all because of you, man!"

diff person: "i was walking by this gay club the other day, right, could'da sworn i saw sean long comin' out, turns out, it was robin, you know, batman's side-kick, wearing a pink dress and i go up to him and say, "robin, i thought you were sean long!" and he said to me: "what?! i'm not that gay!"" *laughs*

another video: scene is where there is this game, where u must pass something [say, a ball maybe] around a circle, saying 1 patato [depending on which turn you are at] or you can hold on to the item and say like: "1 patato, 2 patato, 3 patato" then pass it on. when it reaches 10 patato, the person must throw it at the next person and that next person is out. [i think]

so everyone is saying like, "1 patato", passes it on, "2 patato" [diff person], then passes it on, "3 patato" and so on, then when it reaches one person he holds on to it and says,"7 patato, 8 patato, 9 patato" and passes it on the the next person. the next person "charges" and says: "10 patato!" and throws it on the the next person, the next person went like, "SON OF A!" then epic BOOM!
anyway i cant really explain this so heres the link: HERE

moving on.
person 1 was watching a baseball match or something. person 2 just sitting on the couch.
person 1 randomly stands up and screams: "what the ****! he was safe, he was safe! wasn't he safe?" *looks at person 2*
person 2 [kinda innocent voice]: "i wasn't watching it."
person 1: "what-at, he..he was safe!"
person 2: "okay i believe you, just don't hurt me!"

different one. random. same guy as above ^ congratulating the sean long guy for being on youtube for 2 years or something. nobody would get it >:(
"between you and me, you're making money doing something you love, and that's awesome so don't !@#$ it up [mess it up]!"
"i would set off some fireworks right now but i'm not allowed to touch things that could go on fire anymore after the great incident that happened a couple of years ago, i don't wanna talk about it..."

the sean long video thingy. very long. 19 minutes, but if load fast enough you can skip to the funny ones.
link: HERE

argh. i'm kinda tired and lazy to do more. though there is a lot more =P
and i can't ask you to watch the video since most of you wouldn't want to watch them and it has lots of vulgarities.

okay wadever. probably no one has read all of that crap above. never mind. just treat this as a "revive" post. BLAH BLAH BLAH.
and holiday's gonna be over soon!! noooooo!!!

buhbye. :D

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