Saturday, March 21, 2009

harhar. my bro told me this riddle. but since there's no one to answer my questions, i'll just tell you the "answer" straight away. then maybe can test other people or something. okay anyway probably pratically no one is reading my blog. so can test many people since they dunno answer =P
ok it goes like this.

1 = 5, [<<< remember]
2 = ? [10]
3 = ? [15]
4 = ? [20]
5 = ? [nope its not 25. it's 1 :D]

ok yeah that's kinda lame i know.
and nowadays it's getting sian-er and sian-er until i dunno what to post liao. TT
so i got no choice but to post this kind of short posts. [unless its VR] sorry. TT.

buhbye. :D

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