Friday, May 7, 2010

2 different papers today.

history paper.
kinda screwed up really badly for the structured essay questions.
like seriously at least 80% of it.
chose question 4.
didn't know the thing about BMA.
then question 5.
totally failed and screwed up. D:

i practically didn't learn anything about the elections, and forgot all the dates and all that.
so a) and b) blank.
c) and d) wrote simply crap.

might be a borderline pass this time.
just can't believe it.
usually history is pretty easy.
mostly cause there isn't seq. but anyway.
regret not learning the elections. =(

then maths paper 2.
obviously careless in some parts.
regret again but oh well.

then after that.
(think i'm not gonna talk into that much detail.)
obviously went out againn.
me, jason, cw, edwin, clement, bj, kailiang and moses.
lol moses coming was kinda unexpected.
i mean like since the previous times he didn't come at all.

west coast park. took 143 from some bus stop near cc.
long walk to macdonalds.
yet again, fast food. guess there isn't much else we can eat, huh? =/

then went to the playgrounds area with sand-bases. as i call it.
played in all the different various playgrounds.
definitely. most memorable was the low flying fox thing.
honestly, i never really actually dared and tried the actual flying fox. maybe once.
was really fun.
raced and all that.
only sad but obvious thing is that you need someone to be pushing you behind you.
sand in shoes.

then went back to macdonalds for drinks break.
bought large coke.
sad that bj dropped his drink. but he bought another one anyway.
then after that we decided to go his house. =D
kailiang left by the way i think.

so yeah.
walked slowly to it.
kinda long journey. under the sun.
me and edwin was kinda trailing behind at first. was really bloated from the drinks. =O

went up the stairs to his house.
his room's kinda small. lol.
mostly because of the huge cabinet blocking the space.
so was really cramped at first.
oh and i think his second older sister was around in the room all the while. o-o

yeah and at first i was supposed to leave at like 4.30pm or something.
had to go to somewhere for dinner with my mum.
then after that i called and talked to her.
and she kindly said nevermind and let me stay. =D

then cw and moses left.
left the 5 of us.
and they practically played dota all the way.
with weihong and/or kailiang.
getting kinda more and more interested in dota. lol. =O
then clement left halfway as well.

played all the way till like 7.40pm or something.
bj's maid bought buns too.
ate a little.

then we left.
jason went seperate ways from us. of course.
and me and edwin waited at the same bus stop.
he took 51 first and i took 30.
45 mins.

the end.
not sure if i'm gonna go for the 11may vivo outing thing. or play dota.
60% chance for both i guess.

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