Woo,its weekends! yesterday's choir kinda sucked,as always but not as much as this..
We were made to do something that was even worse than push-ups to me,push-up position but with your elbows on the floor, not your hands!! and, we were supposed to sing the song we were currently learning while in that position!!! I tell you, the song was WAY TOO LONG for me to hold on in that position so i just laid down like most of the other people did. xD by the way, did i say that we were punished because the choir was being not guai and noisy? c'mon, you all noe im guai xD just kidding, i admit i was making some noise but not alot.other den dat , choir was better den other times becos we were sitting at the back of the music room listening to the seniors which rocks since we dont have to do anything and i actually kinda like the songs xD hope im not making u puke RAWR.pls pardon my blog becos i suck at making blogs, and if u see my blog suddenly becoming all fancy lookin, its probably because someone helped me =P
i guess thats all i have to say for now. =D
-mervyn the penguin xD
testing testing