Monday, August 31, 2009

so .
talk about yesterday .
oh and i just realised something .
it's like . i will speak proper english/singlish depending on my mood/the thing i'm talking about .
so . weirdish .
anyway .


sunday, 30th august . (or yesterday if you prefer . and i can't underline it .)

so met my history group (wei hong, yikhan, carina & deepti) @ jurong point @ 2pm .
so i went early . like 1.50 .
then heard someone call my name . was carina .
she was waiting at the bubble tea stall . when she said to meet at long john . -_-
unless she just waiting for deepti ... then go together . i dunno .
so we wait wait wait . until like 2.20 or something . ~.~
then all come liao . then go to LJS lor .

only wei hong and carina ate , lol .
oh yeah and yikhan brought the board . dunno if correct size anot .
cos actually is we want go buy de ... but lidat liao so no need lor .
then we just slack around . then go library .

then library also dunno do what .
walk here walk there . never do anything .
then go out of the library and into the shelter thing . or outside the cafe . dunno .

then started calling people . to ask if can go their house do .
cos we cannot go to any of our own group members' house .
then call call call .
finally someone allow . someone = edwin .

so take 157 from some random bus stop .
then reached the bus stop .
walk quite long .
take lift .
then reach his house .

and i think his whole family was home .
mother , father , sister and him obviously .
can't rmb we stay from what time to what time .
i just know we left at around 6pm .

barely did anything lah .
as in for the project .
slack like what .
but it was fun laa .

wah then edwin hor .
his room de table .
open the drawer .
6 $50 notes .
totally $_$-ish laa , lol .

anyway .
the whole thing is too long for me to talk about it ...
so i'm not gonna .
yeah .
so left his house le .
walked the same way back to the bus stop .
at least i think it was the same bus stop .
take 198 with carina and deepti .
and that's it .


maybe i'll talk about today another time .
don't feel like now .
so .
buhbye .

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

so ... i kinda got back into playing Combat Arms .
been a long time since i played ... and GunZ too for that matter .

god quite a lot of things changed .
some matter , some don't .
like something i'm kinda pissed (kinda kinda) about .
is that . now newbies can't use that 1-hit KO sniper .
must go to a pretty high rank to use ... ):

oh well . you probably don't have a single idea what i'm talking about .
but here's a hint/clue .
it's like Counter Strike , a FPS (first person shooter) game .
but obviously these 2 games have a lot in different .
and you're probably thinking that it's weird that i play FPS games .

and somehow i just prefer Combat Arms to Soldier Front .
perhaps it's because you won't go "WTF!" every single time you die like you do in Soldier Front .
it's just too freaking easy to die .

and at least now i don't just sit at home watching videos the whole day .
though it would be the same if i were to play CA everyday ...
luckily not ALOTALOT of homework nowadays .


meh .
that's the only "update" (on my life) .
yep .
probably gonna be updating some of the stuff in my blog .
like maybe my profile or something .
not that it would matter ... but still .
byeee .

Saturday, August 15, 2009

i ... really don't feel like updating anymore .
but i will still probably leave my blog and posts here ... obviously .

so now i'm ... watching jason pwn (big time) carina on msn ...
probably don't need to tell you the reason ...


so in choir we learnt 2 new songs recently .
pretty hard compared to the others .
even though i still can't really say that since we haven't learnt it well .
yeah .
but it's so much harder when the altos and us combine to sing .
hard to concentrate ...


haiz .
why am i such a slacker ? (i freaking hell know that , don't tell me please)
even i am irritated by my slackiness .
and it's not just because the computer is distracting me from homework .
i ... just can't do it .


i ... really don't know what to say .
so i'm gonna stop here .
bye .

Saturday, August 1, 2009

ok so . what to say .
oh and something's messed up with this posting stuff .
like all the options are gone . the bold , italic and what not .
ahh well .


in case you didn't already know, i'm out of TAF club ! :D
but i obviously look fat not only because i'm barely/just out , but also cause of , uhm . nvm .
oh and i noticed something .
TAF is the opposite of FAT , so they obviously want you to be the opposite of fat , which is skinny .
kinda funny . weird . something .


oh and today jason came outside my house for like what , 15 seconds or something ?
just borrowed my maths workbook .
yeah .


and now ming le's left arm is injured .
so sad .
at least lucky not his right arm .
i wonder what will happen if somebody unties his shoelaces ? o_o


science's kite-making thing is shit .
the sticks are fragile as hell .
well not really .
haiz .
feels like art this way .


trying to find random stuff to talk about .
oh yeah .
chinese's not nice too .
actually a lot of things suck to me . cause i'm noob . or something .


jason's alien attack is cool .
alien attack - kai liang version is even cooler .
haha .
kai liang is still funny .
"what is commercial farming for ?"
"make MONEYYY ."
so ... unique .

and leonard's a freaking freak , lol .
wtf laa .
he damn weird siol .


i really think too much .
dammit .
like in a lot of things .
like i think this and that is gonna happen .
but it isn't pessimism . or OCD , lol .


ok i ran out of things to say .
so . yeah .
i'm taf ! lol . ok not at all .
haizz .
k bye .