Saturday, May 29, 2010

been playing asda nowadays.
currently lvl 26.
not as fun as it was before. kinda sian.
mostly because it's hard to level up and stuff.

and the holidays have come.
gonna be really busy with my standards.
12 days of choir or so.
which is like half.
and obviously all the homework.

why can't we ever slack properly during holidays?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

no mood/time and nothing much to blog nowadays.

exam results are not bad overall.
not as bad as i expected at least.

4 lessons of nyaa are over as well.
overall quite good.
but obviously only boring thing now is the 8 hours of personal training.

still going out nowadays. once in a while. i guess.
with the same old people. usually.

june holidays are coming.
blah stupid homework obviously.
chinese. the same old stuff. -.-
lang arts? haven't checked yet.
and i'm not sure about the rest yet.

nowadays maths.
learning how to draw curved graphs.
kinda fustrating.
but when you're finally done. happiness.

also finally watched the movie "click" during history.
but skipped some parts.
funny yet sad.
nicenice. =D

can't thing of any "major" things that happened so far.
so. too bad.

Friday, May 14, 2010

monday and tuesday.
sci paper and maths paper 1.

obviously didn't know how to do some.
time was a little constrained.

maths paper 1.
left quite many blanks.
probably not gonna do so well. obviously.

then after maths paper went out. on tuesday.
class outing.
gonna say it in little detail. =/
and girls and boys this time.

first went to vivo.
slacked around and stuff.
went to toys'r'us. got kicked out though cause of playing too much.
ate at burger king. saw 4 girls from 2/2. o-o
the girls ate at superdog.
and overall we kept seperating anyway.

then finally we totally seperated.
and us, the boys, went to jason's house.
while the girls just stayed at vivo all the while. shopping and stuff.

they played dota and stuff.
then after that went down to the playground near his house.
played catching and stuff.
then they played basketball with 2 other random boys.

then after that just went home.
so ya obviously fun overall.

then today.
after school. nyaa.
skip cca. next tuesday as well.
but omg 3 hours. but anyway.
in frisbee.
in the hall with handball.
at first partnered 2/8 kaychong cause i had no partner.
he kept throwing too fast and i couldn't catch and had to keep running to pick it up.
but then after that no partnering.
and had games in groups.
like just for posession. then to train running into space and stuff.
yeah overall quite fun.

recently got back some of the mid-year exam papers already.
will say my marks next time when we totally know all of them.

recently i've also already joined dota.
due to all the persuasion. lol.
isaac gave me the thumbdrive. so thanks to him.

that's all.
dunno what else to talk about.
feel kinda tired.

Friday, May 7, 2010

2 different papers today.

history paper.
kinda screwed up really badly for the structured essay questions.
like seriously at least 80% of it.
chose question 4.
didn't know the thing about BMA.
then question 5.
totally failed and screwed up. D:

i practically didn't learn anything about the elections, and forgot all the dates and all that.
so a) and b) blank.
c) and d) wrote simply crap.

might be a borderline pass this time.
just can't believe it.
usually history is pretty easy.
mostly cause there isn't seq. but anyway.
regret not learning the elections. =(

then maths paper 2.
obviously careless in some parts.
regret again but oh well.

then after that.
(think i'm not gonna talk into that much detail.)
obviously went out againn.
me, jason, cw, edwin, clement, bj, kailiang and moses.
lol moses coming was kinda unexpected.
i mean like since the previous times he didn't come at all.

west coast park. took 143 from some bus stop near cc.
long walk to macdonalds.
yet again, fast food. guess there isn't much else we can eat, huh? =/

then went to the playgrounds area with sand-bases. as i call it.
played in all the different various playgrounds.
definitely. most memorable was the low flying fox thing.
honestly, i never really actually dared and tried the actual flying fox. maybe once.
was really fun.
raced and all that.
only sad but obvious thing is that you need someone to be pushing you behind you.
sand in shoes.

then went back to macdonalds for drinks break.
bought large coke.
sad that bj dropped his drink. but he bought another one anyway.
then after that we decided to go his house. =D
kailiang left by the way i think.

so yeah.
walked slowly to it.
kinda long journey. under the sun.
me and edwin was kinda trailing behind at first. was really bloated from the drinks. =O

went up the stairs to his house.
his room's kinda small. lol.
mostly because of the huge cabinet blocking the space.
so was really cramped at first.
oh and i think his second older sister was around in the room all the while. o-o

yeah and at first i was supposed to leave at like 4.30pm or something.
had to go to somewhere for dinner with my mum.
then after that i called and talked to her.
and she kindly said nevermind and let me stay. =D

then cw and moses left.
left the 5 of us.
and they practically played dota all the way.
with weihong and/or kailiang.
getting kinda more and more interested in dota. lol. =O
then clement left halfway as well.

played all the way till like 7.40pm or something.
bj's maid bought buns too.
ate a little.

then we left.
jason went seperate ways from us. of course.
and me and edwin waited at the same bus stop.
he took 51 first and i took 30.
45 mins.

the end.
not sure if i'm gonna go for the 11may vivo outing thing. or play dota.
60% chance for both i guess.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

after school today went to westmall.
me, jason, chee weng, clement, isaac, kailiang and bj.
didn't do much.

first went to kfc to eat.
fast food again. =/
ate shrooms burger meal.

then went around looking at shops and stuff.
really nothing much interesting.
even the library was too small. and filled with people.
and they didn't want to go to jurong east library.
not much time i guess.

then after that.
left jason, me, clement and chee weng.
went to the mac outside to slack.
i bought an apple pie and chee weng bought a mcflurry.
talked and folded and played with straws. lol.

yup then clement went by himself and we took mrt.
oh yeah also. =P
when we were crossing the road at the traffic light.
chee weng's friend, vanessa i think, came up to him and said hi.
then at first cw looked back, then vanessa spam-tapped his shoulder and kept saying "oi".
then cw turned back around and said hi as well.
then she just walked away. lol.
just kinda funny how she was like crazy trying to say hi to cw or something.

went home/seperate ways pretty fast/early compared to last time.
as i said, nothing much to do.

2 pe lessons tomorrow.
but damn d&t.
still as slow.
hope i won't fail or something. =(

last thing.
i hate how.
the exam papers on friday are like, history and maths paper 2.
then next monday, science alone.
and tuesday, maths paper 1 alone.
i mean i wish they could shorten the number of days or combine the maths papers somehow.
feels so wasted to go to school just to take a 1 hour paper or something. =/

ya k.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

hmm yesterday.
met up with jason, edwin, clement, jayi and chloe at jurong point. to watch movie mostly.
although the girls came later.

at first.
was kinda bored.
went to arcade.
then we saw that there was still some leftover credit from someone else.
so spammed like a few rounds of bball.
a little fun.

then went to buy the tickets.
not exactly a short queue.
and actually we just wanted to watch iron man 2 at 1.30pm.
but in the end, it turns out that that time slot is full and there's also digital and non-digital.
and digital is just practically better graphics, but same price.
and in the end we just got non-digital, at 3.30pm, and seats at the 2nd row. ($6.50)
which sounds very very bad at the start. but it was still okay.

to waste time, we went to safra first.
then we went to play lan for 1 hour. well the other boys did anyway. dota.
then the girls disappeared. but it turns out after that that they were just sitting upstairs.
and were adding contacts to jayi's itouch? idk.

then walked back to jp.
then obviously went in the cinema and stuff.
then watch watch.

and jason kept like asking the name of a woman called natalie something in the show.
cause she is pretty, sexy and what-not.
so at the end. we waited for the credits to see the name.
scarlet johansson. yeh. =P

then waited for the long long credits to be over.
and at the end we finally got a scene.
pretty much just an unknown hint currently about iron man 3.

then after that.
the girls left.
and the 4 of us ate at burger king.
seems like a lot of fast food nowadays.
ordered the chick n' crisp meal thingy again.
even though the drink thing is a bit weird. in terms of size.
then obviously chatted and gossiped.
then split and bye~

overall movie was nice.
and more fun with friends.
maybe next time we're gonna watch together again.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

went to east coast park today.
quite few people went actually.
me, jason, bj, cw, edwin.

met up at outram park at 10am.
then walked to a bus stop.
then took 197. which is actually kinda wrong.
cause jason remembered wrongly, and it should have been 196 instead. =O
so we went all the way to bedok interchange.
then took 401.

then reached.
walked quite a long way to burger king.
ate brunch.
we all bought the chick'n'crisp set meal thing.

then rented bikes.
$6 for 2 hours. rent 1 hour and get 1 hour free.
then they cycled around and stuff.
while i just learnt how to actually cycle.
cause i obviously can't. -.-

kinda pissed me off.
felt kinda like a burden cause they actually wanted to cycle like a long distance.
plus. jason spent like the first 45 minutes actually trying to teach me and encourage.
what a good friend. =D

yeah but in the end i still didn't learn how to/failed.
this is like a big thing that i'm really noob in.
most i travelled was like 3 pedals.
first 1 hour++ was like me trying really hard.
then after that i just wasn't in the mood anymore.

had a few injuries here and there which is fine.
but the most irritating thing was like the oil on the gears.
and it was like so easy for me legs to touch it.
so in the end my legs were like all black.

then. they bought a kite.
and so we obviously tried it.
and only jason took off his shirt. =P tan.
and he played with sand.

then got a waveboard as well.
me and jason didn't really try it.
played and slacked.

then went to buy drinks at 7-eleven.
and slacked at mcdonalds for a while.

then went back to the beach place.
and pretty much the rest of the time was just slacking and resting at the grass.
and playing cards.

then walked to a bus stop and took 196.
jason alighted halfway at his house.
and we went all the way to clementi interchange.
then cw and edwin took bus, i took mrt and bj met his parents at cityvibe.

a little sun burnt now.
although i didn't even feel very hot or whatever throughout.
maybe cause we rested a lot.

yeah and pretty much on a going-out spree nowadays.
but we probably won't be going out tomorrow and monday.
and still haven't watched iron man 2 so far. =O